2. BSC 3270, BSC 3270 API, and BSC 3270 HLLAPI 2.1 Description BSC was IBM's primary communications protocol before SNA. The high expense of migrating to MVS and SNA drives some customers to continue using BSC. BSC 3270, BSC 3270 API, and BSC 3270 HLLAPI provide access to 3270 applications on IBM hosts. HP does not sell BSC 3270, BSC 3270 API, or BSC 3270 HLLAPI for the HP 9000. Systems Strategies Inc (SSI) of New York, NY provides BSC 3270 ter- minal emulation and BSC 3270 API on Series 300 systems with a VME-bus Datacomm Processor card from SYSTECH, Inc. As of June 1991, HP was testing SSI's BSC 3270 terminal emulator and HLLAPI on CIO-based Series 800 systems with an RTI card and SASsbx module, for telecom customers only. In the future, SSI may port BSC 3270 and BSC 3270 HLLAPI to the Series 400 and NIO-based Series 800 sys- tems. For telecom customers, contact Nancy Burgess of Telecom Industry Marketing, (408)447-1030 or Telnet 447-1030, to learn the status of these products. For other customers, contact Lenny Giacose, HP VAB Sales Representative to SSI, at (201)599-5248 or Telnet 599-5248. 2.2 How to Order 2.2.1 For DIO-based Series 300 Systems Customers must purchase a VME adaptor and software from HP. They must also purchase BSC software and VME-bus Datacomm Processor card from SSI. Note: Only the HP 9000 Model 375 is officially supported now. From HP Product #/ Description FBP Options 98577A VMEbus Expander $4995 100 Delete manuals -$ 50 98646A HP 9000 VMEbus Adaptor $1295 98358A VMEbus Software Drivers for 98646A $ 0 322 HP-UX driver on 1/4-inch tape cartridge $ 219 344 HP-UX driver on 3 1/2-inch microfloppy $ 219 From SSI Contact your local SSI Sales Representative, or contact Alan Kadish of SSI at (212)279-8400. 2.2.2 For CIO-based Series 800 Systems The customer must purchase one RTI card and one SASsbx module from HP, and software from SSI. From HP Product #/ Description FBP Options 28667A RTI/CIO Card w/runtime S/W & Manuals $2000 0B0 Delete manuals -$ 50 0CC RTE S/W Update (Deletes card) -$1500 AA0 RTI S/W on CS80 Cartridge N/C AA1 RTI S/W on 1600 BPI tape N/C 94185A HP SASsbx Card and manuals $ ___ 001 Add DIO cable $ ___ From SSI Contact your local SSI Sales Representative, or contact Alan Kadish of SSI at (212)279-8400. 2.3 Support HP's standard support policies apply to the above HP products. Contact Doug McMahon at (201)562-6198 or Telnet 562-6198 for a quo- tation for support of Telecom customers only. Contact SSI for a quotation for support of their software. SSI should also be contacted regarding support for the VME-based Datacomm Processor card.